Daniel Radcliffe Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Daniel Radcliffe quotes and sayings page 5 (35 year old actor). Here's quote # 41 through 50 out of the 125 we have for him.

Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“And I'm slightly in love with Scarlett Johansson: she's just stunning. And she's bright, which is incredibly sexy.”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“How irritating it must be for people, to be bombarded with me!”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“I'm always amazed at the way some actors' behaviour is truly disgusting. That's one thing that will never happen on one of my sets if I ever direct.”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“My dad believes in God, I think. I'm not sure if my mom does. I don't.”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“My dad's got a brilliant eye for scripts 'cos he's a literary agent. He and my agent read a load of scripts and filter them.”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“Personally, I prefer the dark side.”
“I always saw Michael Gambon wearing madly psychedelic socks, and I always thought that's it is one of the few areas where men can really express colour and have a bit of a dandyish quality to their outfit.”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“As far as I can tell, most actors' main motivation is self-doubt and neuroses.”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“Dane DeHaan, certainly, is kind of the best friend I've made through acting, in terms of another actor. He's fantastic.”
Daniel Radcliffe Quotes
“I didn't have that normal teenage period when you build up your friends in your area and you have a social circle.”

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