David Byrne Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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David Byrne quotes and sayings page 8 (72 year old musician). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 142 we have for him.

David Byrne Quotes
“The arts don't exist in isolation.”
David Byrne Quotes
“All you needed was a couple of instruments and a few chords and you could be on an indie label.”
David Byrne Quotes
“I don't like begging money from producers.”
David Byrne Quotes
“I've noticed that when I am selling a lot of records, certain things become easier. I'm not talking about getting a table in a restaurant.”
David Byrne Quotes
“People in Latin America... love America from afar and emulate America in some ways but also hate a lot of things that America does to them.”
David Byrne Quotes
“Analysis is like a lobotomy. Who wants to have all their edges shaved off?”
David Byrne Quotes
“As everything becomes digitized, there's the idea that things that can't be digitized become more valuable.”
David Byrne Quotes
“I can't deny that label-support gave me a leg up - though not every successful artist needs it.”
David Byrne Quotes
“I couldn't talk to people face to face, so I got on stage and started screaming and squealing and twitching.”
David Byrne Quotes
“I find rebellion packaged by a major corporation a little hard to take seriously.”

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