David Hume Quotes & Sayings
52 most famous David Hume quotes and sayings (philosopher). These are the first 10 quotes we have.
“Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.”
“The rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason.”
“It's when we start working together that the real healing takes place... it's when we start spilling our sweat, and not our blood.”
“That the sun will not rise tomorrow is no less intelligible a proposition, and implies no more contradiction, than the affirmation, that it will rise.”
“A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.”
“The corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst.”
“The Christian religion not only was at first attended with miracles, but even at this day cannot be believed by any reasonable person without one.”
“To hate, to love, to think, to feel, to see; all this is nothing but to perceive.”
“A purpose, an intention, a design, strikes everywhere even the careless, the most stupid thinker.”
“Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.”
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