Diane Kruger Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Diane Kruger quotes and sayings page 3 (48 year old model). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 79 we have for her.

Diane Kruger Quotes
“Above all, I dislike vulgarity.”
Diane Kruger Quotes
“Being German, I think we don't really express a lot of things.”
Diane Kruger Quotes
“I made a French film called 'Merry Christmas' which is a very European film. It's a World War I piece.”
Diane Kruger Quotes
“In Paris, I rent a bike in the street and cycle around, and in L.A. I live up in the hills so I go hiking a lot.”
Diane Kruger Quotes
“Strong brows give me character.”
“I realized through my personal travels how little I know about certain conflicts, because I was too vain or self-absorbed to ask the questions. That's been the focus while I'm in my thirties - to become an accomplished woman, rather than some actress.”
Diane Kruger Quotes
“I don't obsess about my weight. I just know I've got to watch it when my pants feel tight.”
Diane Kruger Quotes
“I'm not a snob.”
Diane Kruger Quotes
“I'm not a very good impersonator, my friends maybe, but not famous people.”
“I really feel like the first day I went to drama school and I went up on stage, that I found my vocation. It's kind of a cliched thing to say but I really feel like it was what I was meant to do.”

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