Donnie Yen Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Donnie Yen quotes and sayings page 6 (61 year old actor). These are the last 4 out of 54 quotes we have for him.

Donnie Yen Quotes
“Look at every action movie in Hollywood. Every leading man from Spider-Man to Batman to James Bond, 'Bourne Identity', every one of them possesses martial arts skills.”
Donnie Yen Quotes
“Personally, I prefer contemporary films, but the market calls for more period choices, especially since China opened up a cinema market in Hong Kong. There's a lot of restriction for contemporary films simply because of subject matter.”
“There's a lot of thinking when you choreograph something. You're not just choreographing some bodies, arms, legs flying around to look cool. It's a lot more complicated and sophisticated. You also have to deal with the connection of the whole film, so when I choreograph, I think of the movement itself, the camera angles, the characters.”
Donnie Yen Quotes
“When audiences look at an action actor like myself, sometimes we are very easily stereotyped or characterized as one type. They forget that we are actors, too.”

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