Emanuel Celler Quotes & Sayings

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28 most famous Emanuel Celler quotes and sayings (politician). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Emanuel Celler Quotes
“The panic of the Depression loosened my inhibitions against being different. I could be myself.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“Communism feeds on aggression, hatred, and the imprisonment of men's minds and souls. This shall not take root in the United States.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“Illegality will never solve the problem of political lawlessness.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“The Democratic Party will never desert the freedoms of our people under the guise of pretending to protect them.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“The author of McCarthyism was given the distinction of addressing the Republican National Convention. This strikes terror in the hearts of honest men.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“We pledge to fight the dark forces high in the counsels of the Republican Party which have made political capital out of the techniques of character assassination by innuendo.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“Our population is headed for a stable plateau, which means an aging population.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“The power to investigate is a great public trust.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“The studied, unquestioning pace of my family irritated me.”
Emanuel Celler Quotes
“We believe firmly that Communism internally and externally can and must be fought without resort to the Communist tactics of the suppression of all individual freedom.”

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