Errol Morris Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Errol Morris quotes and sayings page 4 (77 year old director). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 44 we have for him.

Errol Morris Quotes
“I believe it was probably less than ten minutes that went by from the invention of photography to the point where people realized that they could lie with photographs.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“We all know that yellow journalism didn't just happen a week ago or a month ago, that yellow journalism has probably been with us as long as journalism has been with us.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“A lot of stories that have fascinated me are tabloid stories that have come from other newspapers, like 'The New York Times.'”
Errol Morris Quotes
“A lot of the themes of my movies, the actual stories, come from tabloid stories.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“I've never made any money off of any of my films. Statement of fact. So without commercial work, I would be in big trouble.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“My stuff always starts with interviews. I start interviewing people, and then slowly but surely, a movie insinuates itself.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“Do I like tawdry, sleazy stories? Yeah, I do.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“I feel as if I became a documentary film-maker only because I had writer's block for four decades. There's no other good reason.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“I like to think that I'm nonjudgmental, that I can listen and be engaged by almost anything.”
Errol Morris Quotes
“I taught my son to read with tabloids. We would sit to read the 'Weekly World News' together.”

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