Francis Ford Coppola Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Francis Ford Coppola quotes and sayings page 6 (85 year old director). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 111 we have for him.

Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“When I was 13, I worked for Western Union. When the telegrams came in, I would glue them on the paper and deliver them on my bicycle.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I always found the film world unpleasant. It's all about the schedule, and never really flew for me.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I bring to my life a certain amount of mess.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I wanted to write and direct movies and not be forced to adapt them from a bestselling book.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“Everything I do is personal. I have never made a movie that didn't have very strong personal resonance.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“Films and hotels have many aspects that are the same. For example, there is always a big vision, an idea.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“'Godfather' was very classical - the way it was shot, the style - the whole driving force of it was more classical, almost Shakespearean.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I gladly, I voluntarily gave up the kind of commercial film career I had going as soon as I had enough money to finance my own films.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I have more of a vivid imagination than I have talent. I cook up ideas. It's just a characteristic.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I know that if a film is ready to emerge out of what I write, I'll be able to go off and make it without asking anyone's permission.”

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