Francis Ford Coppola Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Francis Ford Coppola quotes and sayings page 3 (85 year old director). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 111 we have for him.

Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“Sequels are not done for the audience or cinema or the filmmakers. It's for the distributor. The film becomes a brand.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“As long as I can make lots of money in other businesses, I'll continue to subsidize my own work.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“By working in the morning, I find a sense of peace; it's isolated peace, but I can definitely be in touch with my feelings, and then I just start.”
“I like to work in the morning. I like to sometimes go to a place where I'm all alone where I'm not going to get a phone call early that hurts my feelings, because once my feelings are hurt, I'm dead in the water.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“'The Godfather' changed my life, for better or worse. It definitely made me have an older man's film career when I was 29.”
“When I was sixteen or seventeen, I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be a playwright. But everything I wrote, I thought, was weak. And I can remember falling asleep in tears because I had no talent the way I wanted to have.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“George Lucas doesn't have the most physical stamina. He was so unhappy making Star Wars that he just vowed he'd never do it again.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I had a number of very strong personalities in my family. My father was a concert flutist, the solo flute for Toscanini.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“I had been a kid that moved so much, I didn't have a lot of friends. Theater really represented camaraderie.”
Francis Ford Coppola Quotes
“In a sense, I think a movie is really a little like a question and when you make it, that's when you get the answer.”

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