Frank Delaney Quotes & Sayings

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14 most famous Frank Delaney quotes and sayings (novelist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Frank Delaney Quotes
“Writers have opinions - that, in part, is why they write. Therefore they have strong likes and dislikes.”
“For a startling period of my life, I reported the Troubles in Ireland for the BBC. I lived in Dublin and was called out to all sorts of incidents that, if taken together, add up to a war - bombings, assassinations, riots, shootings, robberies, jailbreaks, kidnappings, and sieges.”
Frank Delaney Quotes
“To understand and reconnect with our stories, the stories of the ancestors, is to build our identities.”
Frank Delaney Quotes
“We all belong to an ancient identity. Stories are the rivers that take us there.”
“As an arts journalist in London, working mainly for the BBC, I interviewed hundreds if not thousands of authors. From them I gleaned a great deal of passing instruction in writing and I observed one fascinating detail: no two writers approach their work - physically - in the same way.”
“First a piece of Irish wisdom: you should always listen to a bookie. For they have a saying, 'Money tells a good story,' and somewhere in their odds is a kind of science-fiction existentialism that decrees that we, the people, know everything. In other words, betting patterns often make for good, unconscious soothsaying.”
Frank Delaney Quotes
“I'd have to struggle to find a subject in which I can't get some kind of interested pulse started.”
Frank Delaney Quotes
“I write - and then I write some more.”
Frank Delaney Quotes
“If you ever want to understand multitasking in prose, James Joyce is your man.”
Frank Delaney Quotes
“If you have a book, you have a friend.”

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