Gilbert K. Chesterton Quotes & Sayings (Page 12)
Gilbert K. Chesterton quotes and sayings page 12 (writer). Here's quote # 111 through 120 out of the 144 we have.
“The present condition of fame is merely fashion.”
“When we really worship anything, we love not only its clearness but its obscurity. We exult in its very invisibility.”
“It is as healthy to enjoy sentiment as to enjoy jam.”
“Nothing is poetical if plain daylight is not poetical; and no monster should amaze us if the normal man does not amaze.”
“There is but an inch of difference between a cushioned chamber and a padded cell.”
“Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist.”
“Experience which was once claimed by the aged is now claimed exclusively by the young.”
“Women prefer to talk in twos, while men prefer to talk in threes.”
“Large organization is loose organization. Nay, it would be almost as true to say that organization is always disorganization.”
“The greenhorn is the ultimate victor in everything; it is he that gets the most out of life.”
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