Glynn Turman Quotes & Sayings

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9 most famous Glynn Turman quotes and sayings. He's a 79 year old American actor born on Jan 31, 1946.

“I started with Sidney Poitier and Ruby Dee and Lou Gossett, Jr. and the rest of the wonderful cast of 'A Raisin In The Sun.' We were directed by the great Lloyd Richards. The play was written by the wonderful Lorraine Hansberry, and it was produced by Phil Rose. That's where my start was, so... not a bad way to start.”
Glynn Turman Quotes
“My wife and I have our date nights. We love the Showtime shows like 'Shameless,' 'Homeland' and 'House of Lies.' And of course, 'Scandal' is high on the list; you've got to do 'Scandal.'”
Glynn Turman Quotes
“Enrollment in colleges, especially black colleges, across the country increased tremendously during the five-year run of 'A Different World,' and I don't think you could have a better legacy than that.”
“If you take the '70s with Blaxploitation pictures, there was a proliferation of black-content films and motion pictures, television, stage plays and so forth at a time when Hollywood was in trouble financially, and it was cheaper to do black films to keep the lights on until they could reestablish themselves.”
“Seems like everybody has seen 'Cooley High.' That's what put me on the map. Garrett Morris and I go way back, even before the movie. Great guy. We've done theater and stage plays together, Lincoln Center and all kinds of things.”
Glynn Turman Quotes
“'12 Years a Slave' was very powerful, very moving, and deserved all of the acclaim it did get.”
Glynn Turman Quotes
“I'm a stage actor. You know, I was - I cut my teeth on stage, you know. So I've always had a love affair with the stage, first off, what I was raised in, you know.”
“'Super 8' was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun working with J.J. Abrams, who I think is a kid in a grown man's body, which is a great ingredient for any artist in our business. You have to be a kid at heart to be able to make believe, and his imagination is phenomenal.”
“We do have a black president, and that means a lot. People ask, 'What has he done?' What he's done is change the color up, which you see on the screen. When the head of the free world is black, there's got to be some sort of spin-off from it.”

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