Gregg Allman Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Gregg Allman quotes and sayings page 3 (68 year old musician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 38 we have for him.

“The thing with the piano is, the piano is like percussion almost - well, it is. You have to... not beat on it, but there is more work involved than a Hammond. With a Hammond, you just lay your hands on the keys, man, and you're gone.”
“There's only one cook in the kitchen, only one chef. I let the soloists do their thing - you've gotta let a man do a solo the way he wants - but as far as picking the tunes and working on the arrangements, I take full responsibility for it.”
“When I got out of high school, I thought, 'I'll take a year or two off and play the clubs, get this out of my system, and then go to med school.' More than 40 years later, I figure it's finally time to write about this crazy journey that's taken me around the world and back.”
“People always lean toward who's the best guitar player, who's the best singer? I don't see it that way. They're all the best, you know? They've all gotten your attention, you've admired them, you've tried to sing like them. That makes them the best, each and every one of 'em.”
Gregg Allman Quotes
“I got Jimmy Hall from Wet Willie and he also plays now with Hank Williams Jr.”
Gregg Allman Quotes
“I have been going to the gym instead of the bar, trying to get back down to my fighting weight.”
Gregg Allman Quotes
“I left home the day after I graduated from high school because I knew we weren't going to make any dough to pay the rent in music.”
Gregg Allman Quotes
“The Beatles had just come out, and everybody had a band. It was incredible competition out there.”
Gregg Allman Quotes
“You got to be pretty thin to be in the movies, or it helps. I would actually love to do it.”
Gregg Allman Quotes
“Before I got into rock n' roll, I was going to be a dentist.”

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