Herschel Walker Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Herschel Walker quotes and sayings page 3 (63 year old athlete). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 46 we have for him.

Herschel Walker Quotes
“P.E. was my life in school. Without it, I wouldn't be standing here. It gave me confidence when I was an overweight kid with a speech impediment.”
“I don't worry about protein. I don't worry about all that. I'm from old school. I grew up in south Georgia. They didn't worry about cholesterol or protein. They went out and worked and lived a long time, so I don't put a lot of worries in my mind.”
“I never dreamed about being an actor, because that was out of reach. Coming from a small town that was big in farming, and also big in clothing factories, you don't dream about being a professional football player or an actor.”
“My favorite subject probably was math. I love math. Figures just intrigue me. I was really good at math. English probably was my worst subject. But I used to write a lot of poetry. I used to write poetry all the time.”
“I don't read a lot of the sports, because I think people sometimes either build it up, or you have this guy that hates sports that is going to write bad about it, so I figure I'm not going to read it. Because I'm not going to let him put an idea into my head.”
Herschel Walker Quotes
“I told somebody once, 'You don't want the Herschel that plays football... babysitting your child. When I am competing, I am a totally different person.'”
“Without a doubt in my mind, I should be in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. You look at my stats without my USFL stats, and I don't know how you can argue with that. Look at my combined yards. I'm not one to make excuses, so I'll play by their rules and not even count the USFL stats.”
“Eat what you want to eat, but just be willing to pay the price. If you know you want to eat more cake or more cookies, be willing to work out a lil bit more. I think that's the problem people have is you want to eat bad, but yet you don't want to pay the price to work it off.”
“That person has to be accountable for himself. I think that's what we have to do in society today is to be accountable for yourself. I think we have the tendency to always want to live someone else's life.”
“The hardest thing I had to overcome in life? I think racism. That's so difficult because I don't think anyone can ever understand it. It's not that people don't want to understand it, but they don't want to touch it.”

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