Diana Nyad Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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26 most famous Diana Nyad quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 75 year old American author born on Aug 22, 1949.

“Swimming is probably the ultimate of burnout sports. It's ironic because millions of people who swim as their regular exercise love the meditation aspect of it; you don't wind up with any orthopedic injuries. But when you swim at a world class level for hours and hours - the loneness of the long distance runner.”
Diana Nyad Quotes
“All of us suffer difficulties in our lives. And if you say to yourself 'find a way,' you'll make it through.”
Diana Nyad Quotes
“This journey has always been about reaching your own other shore no matter what it is, and that dream continues.”
Diana Nyad Quotes
“Endurance is not a young person's game. I thought I might even be better at 60 than I was at 30. You have a body that's almost as strong, but you have a much better mind.”
“When I walk up on that shore in Florida, I want millions of those AARP sisters and brothers to look at me and say, 'I'm going to go write that novel I thought it was too late to do. I'm going to go work in Africa on that farm that those people need help at. I'm going to adopt a child. It's not too late, I can still live my dreams.'”
Diana Nyad Quotes
“But for each of us, isn't life about determining your own finish line?”
Diana Nyad Quotes
“It's not too late, I can still live my dreams.”
Diana Nyad Quotes
“There's so much boldness in living life this way, and we did it all, and no one can take it away from us.”
“The highs were high, the awe, I'm not a religious person, but I'll tell you, to be in the azure blue of the Gulf Stream as if, as you're breathing, you're looking down miles and miles and miles, to feel the majesty of this blue planet we live on, it's awe-inspiring.”
“You don't simply tell someone to get out there and win the tennis match. You say 'move your feet' or 'watch the fuzz on the ball' to really get into the Zen of it. You pull all that together, and then you just might hold up the Wimbledon Plate... It's not about winning first place but bringing every element of effort to whatever you do.”

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