Ira Glass Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Ira Glass quotes and sayings page 3 (66 year old journalist). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 113 we have for him.

Ira Glass Quotes
“It's tricky, performing the show live. Because when you're in a big auditorium, in front of 700 people, the natural tendency is to want to talk louder. You want to project.”
“People are generally forced to change. We don't want to change, and then something absolutely forces us to realize that what we are doing isn't working or that our picture of the world is wrong. We fail. So we change.”
Ira Glass Quotes
“When I started 'This American Life', one of the reactions I got was, 'When is the adult going to show up who will host the show?' At some point, people just got used to it.”
Ira Glass Quotes
“You'd think that radio was around long enough that someone would have coined a word for staring into space.”
Ira Glass Quotes
“It's not a terribly original thing to say, but I love Raymond Carver. For one thing, he's fun to read out loud.”
Ira Glass Quotes
“Just when did I get to the point when staying at a hotel wasn't fun?”
Ira Glass Quotes
“We're Jews, my family, and Jews break down into two distinct subcultures: book Jews and money Jews. We were money Jews.”
Ira Glass Quotes
“Where radio is different than fiction is that even mediocre fiction needs purpose, a driving question.”
Ira Glass Quotes
“Any story that I can consider worth telling is one that you could tell in words.”
Ira Glass Quotes
“Generally the aesthetics of broadcast journalism seem to me to be incredibly primitive.”

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