Isaiah Mustafa Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Isaiah Mustafa quotes and sayings page 3 (51 year old actor). These are the last 9 out of 29 quotes we have for him.

Isaiah Mustafa Quotes
“Listen, I'm a big fan of everything on NBC. When I think of comedy on TV, I really think of NBC.”
Isaiah Mustafa Quotes
“Raising a daughter is hard work. There's no other way to describe it for me.”
Isaiah Mustafa Quotes
“Sorry, I'm not much of a cook.”
Isaiah Mustafa Quotes
“What is good hair? It can be anything to anyone. Good hair is healthy hair, whatever you perceive that to be.”
Isaiah Mustafa Quotes
“When it comes to me, I know what I can do and can't do.”
Isaiah Mustafa Quotes
“Who names themselves 'The Situation?' I do not take myself seriously like that - not in the least bit - that would be so pretentious.”
Isaiah Mustafa Quotes
“You know, I stopped being competitive after I played football.”
“I think commercials are something that everyone does to get out there and get a little bit of exposure, get their feet wet, and also pay the bills. So anytime you can be a part of a wonderful, fun commercial, that's just a bonus.”
“Writers sometimes write things for me and I like to see what they write because I want to see what their take on my delivery is or what they think that I can do with something. So I kind of leave that to them.”

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