James Blunt Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
James Blunt quotes and sayings page 3 (51 year old musician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 40 we have for him.
“My life is brillant, My love is pure.”
“The showbiz world has to be manipulated to make it more interesting because most people's lives are boring.”
“I am not into fashion. I just like being able to buy my mates dinner.”
“I don't think I picked up the guitar in the first place as a way of getting women. There are probably better ways of doing it.”
“I try to tell one lie in every interview. It keeps people I know amused when they read the article.”
“Every time I do an interview, it's like serious therapy. But real therapy isn't something that I'd ever have. I feel fortunate that mentally everything is functioning well.”
“I am very happy to say I look just like my dad. But mothers always think their children are prettier than they really are, and mine has always told me I look like Tom Cruise.”
“I don't agree with superstitious routines, but there are a couple of things I'll always do before performing. I'll get together with the band and chill out, and then, just before I go on stage, I'll always check my flies.”
“I think having toured the world and seeing many places, I've just been blown away by how we've really scarred our home. I'm as guilty as the next person if not more so. I travel a lot. The damage we do to our planet is huge.”
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