James Coburn Quotes & Sayings

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5 most famous James Coburn quotes and sayings. He was an American actor who passed away on 18 November, 2002.

“Taking in and blowing out smoke? And now you see girls smoking cigars. It got to be such a fad. Girls on the covers of magazines, smoking cigars. Give me a break. I didn't want to be a part of that. I don't like 'popular.'”
James Coburn Quotes
“The Magnificent Seven was really kind of a miraculous event that took place in my life.”
“Studios have been trying to get rid of the actor for a long time and now they can do it. They got animation. NO more actor, although for now they still have to borrow a voice or two. Anyway, I find it abhorrent.”
James Coburn Quotes
“First job I went out on in new York I got, and when I came back, the first job I went out on, I got.”
James Coburn Quotes
“It was the desire to do the complete thing. I only took taking acting lessons because my whole thing, really, was to direct. But my first jobs were acting jobs.”

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