Jason Patric Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Jason Patric quotes and sayings page 2 (58 year old actor). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 25 we have for him.

Jason Patric Quotes
“I never turned down a movie because they wouldn't give me enough money.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“I really tried to make movies I wanted to see. I thought that if I was good enough, somebody would always need me.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“I think that's what I really liked about Narc: My character has a real operatic range in a way that older movies used to have.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“I think The Exorcist is the best American horror movie ever made. Friedkin was at the top of his game.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“I try to stay under the radar.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“I was making a lot of independent movies before the independent movement.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“If I was coming into the business today, I wouldn't be in it. Knowing what I know, absolutely not.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“Mostly I do films that mainstream Hollywood wouldn't touch.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“Training Day was such a Hollywood movie; I didn't like it.”
Jason Patric Quotes
“When actors talk about research, they're just patting themselves on the back.”

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