Jeff Lynne Quotes & Sayings

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17 most famous Jeff Lynne quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 77 year old British musician born on Dec 30, 1947.

Jeff Lynne Quotes
“Yes, I love to play drums and bass and guitar and piano. Those are the main instruments I play. That is it.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“I don't actually like touring.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“Old music is the same as new music - it's just a different way of delivering it.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“I think from the age of thirteen, I really wanted to be a producer and I've always thought that the producer was the top of the tree.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“I try to find nice chord changes, that's how I love to start, and then I start trying to knock it into a song, knock it into shape.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“I'm still getting thrilled with music even after 40 years of doing it professionally.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“It was so simple in the old days. You put out an album, people promoted it, it got in the charts, and you had a hit.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“At the end of the day I have to please myself. And I've made a record to please myself.”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“As you get older, the days have gone, and the years have gone, and it's 'whoosh!'”
Jeff Lynne Quotes
“I just realized how long it was since the last album, and where did the time go? You know?”

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