Jennifer Aniston Quotes & Sayings (Page 12)

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Jennifer Aniston quotes and sayings page 12 (55 year old actress). Here's quote # 111 through 120 out of the 125 we have for her.

Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“When someone follows you all the way to the shop and watches you buy toilet roll, you know your life has changed.”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“I actually feel I've been unbelievably lucky in love.”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“I almost resent the whole fashion thing. Good God- never wearing the same thing twice and all of those things. It's a pain in the ass.”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“I think you miss out on a lot of stuff when you're so protected and isolated.”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“I was starting to buy into my own sort of stereotype in a way.”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“You know what makes me feel old? When I see girls who are 20-something, or the new crop of actresses, and think, Aren't we kind of the same age?”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“You train your man to do nothing.”
“It's all about being comfortable, being easy and having you be able to wear something and not having it wear you. It's classic. Every time I've tried to be bold and crazy, I feel like a Japanese animated cartoon character.”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“I am trying to think of the last time that I just said, 'What the hell!' and did something crazy.”
Jennifer Aniston Quotes
“Marriage is wonderful.”

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