Jennifer Garner Quotes & Sayings

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64 most famous Jennifer Garner quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 52 year old American actress born on Apr 17, 1972.

“We all have a responsibility to volunteer somewhere and I'm lucky that I get the education and get taken to places to see what's out there and see what's happening and to then be a part of it in hopefully an impactful way.”
“My mother is a big believer in being responsible for your own happiness. She always talked about finding joy in small moments and insisted that we stop and take in the beauty of an ordinary day. When I stop the car to make my kids really see a sunset, I hear my mother's voice and smile.”
Jennifer Garner Quotes
“I wish I was one of those cute pregnant girls who wear skinny jeans throughout their pregnancies. But I just gain weight.”
Jennifer Garner Quotes
“I do think about aging. I have those moments of panic and vanity, but life keeps getting better, so you can't worry about it too much.”
Jennifer Garner Quotes
“Beauty comes from a life well lived. If you've lived well, your smile lines are in the right places, and your frown lines aren't too bad, what more do you need?”
Jennifer Garner Quotes
“I thought the divorce statistics would never apply to me. I was beyond heartbroken when they did. But I got up and got on with it. I also kept my belief in marriage.”
“It's about getting the kids up and fed, getting one to school, getting the other down for a nap, going to the grocery store, picking one up from school, getting the other one down for another nap, cooking dinner... I live my life at these two extremes. I'm either a full-time stay-at-home mom or a full-time actress.”
Jennifer Garner Quotes
“No matter what, it is very tricky and difficult just to be a good parent at all. I have a lot of help. And for that I'm very grateful.”
Jennifer Garner Quotes
“My world was a community ballet school, a marching band, my two sisters and my girlfriends. I played saxophone in the band and was a bit nerdy.”
Jennifer Garner Quotes
“Going after 'the bad guy' has not been a real issue for me.”

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