Jenson Button Quotes & Sayings

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48 most famous Jenson Button quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 45 year old English athlete born on Jan 19, 1980.

“To understand the intensity of driving an F1 car, you have to be in it. When you're driving a 750hp machine at 200mph, the noise and the vibrations are incredible. The G-force when you take big corners is like someone trying to rip your head off. You hit the brakes, and it feels as if the skin is being pulled off your body.”
“My school reports always used to point out that my concentration levels were appalling. I never listened in class because I was always daydreaming about racing. I never thought for a moment about doing anything else. There was no guarantee that I'd make a career in it but I never had any plan B.”
Jenson Button Quotes
“Resting for me is fitness training.”
“A lot of people think Formula One isn't a sport because everyone drives a car when they go to work in the morning. But we're pulling up to six G on a corner or during breaking, which is almost like being a fighter pilot. So we have to do a lot of work on our neck muscles.”
“To drive an F1 car you have to be a little mad. On the morning of a race there's a mix of excitement and fear. If it's a wet track, then it's worse as you're not in control most of the time, which is the thing all drivers fear the most.”
Jenson Button Quotes
“When I do retire, I know for a fact that I'll never be able to replace the incredible feeling I get when I'm driving an F1 car.”
Jenson Button Quotes
“I think fans of the sport have a good understanding now of how fit Formula One drivers need to be.”
Jenson Button Quotes
“It doesn't matter who wins if I don't. I only care if I win. I'm jealous of anyone else who wins.”
Jenson Button Quotes
“When I'm on my own, I can be negative. I need my friends and family around to help pick me up if I've had a bad qualifying session. I think insecurity plagues a lot of sportspeople.”
Jenson Button Quotes
“I always sleep really well, particularly before a race, when the adrenaline's pumping.”

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