Jeremy Rifkin Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Jeremy Rifkin quotes and sayings page 2 (economist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 33 we have.
“They're now turning those seeds into intellectual property, so they have a virtual lock on the seeds upon which we all depend for our food and survival.”
“Many of the mainstream agricultural scientists, especially at the agricultural schools, but at all of our major universities, are tied into all sorts of contractual relationships and consulting relationships with the life science companies.”
“What's different here is that we have now technologies that allow these life science companies to bypass classical breeding. That's what makes it both powerful and exciting.”
“So my attorneys brought litigation in the U.S. federal courts. The judge ruled in our favor.”
“If your corn has a herbicide-tolerant gene, it means you can spray your herbicides and kill the weeds; you won't kill your corn because it's producing a gene that makes it tolerant of the herbicide.”
“One thing I've learned over these last 30 or 40 years is that people make history. There's no fait accompli to any of this.”
“The industry's not stupid. The industry knows that if those foods are labeled 'genetically engineered', the public will shy away and won't take them.”
“We were making the first step out of the age of chemistry and physics, and into the age of biology.”
“What I'm suggesting to you is that this could be a renaissance. We may be on the cusp of a future which could provide a tremendous leap forward for humanity.”
“Here we are 17 years later. Those agencies never did come through.”
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