Jerome Bruner Quotes & Sayings

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7 most famous Jerome Bruner quotes and sayings (psychologist).

Jerome Bruner Quotes
“Education must, be not only a transmission of culture but also a provider of alternative views of the world and a strengthener of the will to explore them.”
“The shrewd guess, the fertile hypothesis, the courageous leap to a tentative conclusion - these are the most valuable coins of the thinker at work. But in most schools guessing is heavily penalized and is associated somehow with laziness.”
Jerome Bruner Quotes
“Learners are encouraged to discover facts and relationships for themselves.”
Jerome Bruner Quotes
“One seeks to equip the child with deeper, more gripping, and subtler ways of knowing the world and himself.”
Jerome Bruner Quotes
“There is a deep question whether the possible meanings that emerge from an effort to explain the experience of art may not mask the real meanings of a work of art.”
Jerome Bruner Quotes
“Stimuli, however, do not act upon an indifferent organism.”
Jerome Bruner Quotes
“In the perception of the incongruous stimuli, the recognition process is temporarily thwarted and exhibits characteristics which are generally not observable in the recognition of more conventional stimuli.”

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