Jim Cramer Quotes & Sayings

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34 most famous Jim Cramer quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 69 year old American businessman born on Feb 10, 1955.

“There are tons of people who are late to trends by nature and adopt a trend after it's no longer in fashion. They exist in mutual funds. They exist in clothes. They exist in cars. They exist in lifestyles.”
Jim Cramer Quotes
“The party line is that stocks historically have outperformed all other investment plans.”
“I think that stocks have been this tremendous, tremendous equalizer for people in this country. Guys who can't make a lot of money at their jobs have been able to make a lot of money in the stock market.”
Jim Cramer Quotes
“I will stand up for what I believe and for what I have always believed: Every person has a right to be rich in this country and I want to help them get there.”
“I think that there are changes that have occurred in technology that make is that more people can have the same level of information that I have. My advantage is that I'm very good at interpreting the information.”
“The danger that we have right now are people who get the same information as I do and, therefore, think they'll reach the same conclusions that haven't traded as long, don't have bear claws up and down their backs like I do.”
“What I'm saying is that there are bargains right now, there are stocks right now that if you're shrewd enough, you will be able to buy them at the opening today and I you'll make money in a year from now.”
“I think you'll do as well as most professionals. Most professionals don't beat the market. Let's not over-rate my industry. But if you have time, you can be in good mutual funds that have good records.”
Jim Cramer Quotes
“The corporate killer downsizing is directly responsive to what the mutual funds have wanted.”
“I mean it's the most objective industry in the world. If your numbers stink, you're out. If your numbers are good, you get more money. It's the most Darwinian, it's beautiful, it's brutal, it works.”

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