Joan Allen Quotes & Sayings

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16 most famous Joan Allen quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 67 year old American actress born on Aug 20, 1956.

Joan Allen Quotes
“It's such a great feeling to make people laugh. I know I've made people cry or want to slit their wrists, but to make people laugh is a very intoxicating, wonderful thing.”
“I was a very good girl for a long time, that's what really drew me to acting. The stage was the perfect place to be outrageous, to be sad, to be angry, to be all these different things.”
Joan Allen Quotes
“I get recognised sometimes. But I just live my life. I get on the bus, I get on the subway, it's not a problem.”
“Almost any film that you do is an opportunity to open you up and make you more aware of an area that you might not be thinking about. That's what is kind of cool, or one of the cool things about this profession.”
Joan Allen Quotes
“Acting gave me the opportunity to do outrageous things. It allowed me to be sad, happy, angry and lustful, even if it was just vicariously.”
Joan Allen Quotes
“I certainly do get at the end of my rope at times. We all do.”
Joan Allen Quotes
“I don't have a political bone in my body.”
Joan Allen Quotes
“I just try and do the best with every role I get to do. Hopefully the experience in itself is a good experience and people will want to work with me.”
Joan Allen Quotes
“I think I knew acting was what I wanted to do. But I was from this small town and there was no place for an adult to recognise it.”
Joan Allen Quotes
“I think the people who cast films tend to think of me in regard to strong women with integrity and a lot of it has been very good.”

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