Joe Gibbs Quotes & Sayings

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14 most famous Joe Gibbs quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He was a Jamaican coach who passed away on 21 February, 2008.

Joe Gibbs Quotes
“Failures are expected by losers, ignored by winners.”
Joe Gibbs Quotes
“A winning effort begins with preparation.”
“The further you go in life, the more you realize what you're going to leave this Earth. It's not going to be, 'It was a great platform. It was great to win the Super Bowl,' but really and truly what you're going to leave on this Earth is the influence on others.”
“You and I are players, God's our coach, and we're playing the biggest game of all. We have a loving God that made us. We need to get on His team. It says in His word, there's only one way to Him and that's through Jesus Christ.”
Joe Gibbs Quotes
“People who enjoy what they are doing invariably do it well.”
“My mother and grandmother had me in church, and I was the kid that played in church. But pastor was telling me something totally different that there was a God. He knit me together in my mother's womb. He made me special. He wanted to have a personal relationship with me.”
Joe Gibbs Quotes
“I coached in Washington - and in Washington, you lose the ballgame, it's a bad Monday, I just want to tell you that.”
Joe Gibbs Quotes
“If I keep God first in my life, if I keep my family and friends as second, and then I keep my occupation third, that's when I've found success.”
Joe Gibbs Quotes
“If you're on God's team, you can't lose.”
Joe Gibbs Quotes
“Part of playing the game of life is you're going to have some losses.”

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