Joe Sacco Quotes & Sayings

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22 most famous Joe Sacco quotes and sayings (journalist). These are the first 10 quotes we have for him.

Joe Sacco Quotes
“I'd much rather hang out in a cafe. That's where things are really happening.”
Joe Sacco Quotes
“I tried to draw people more realistically, but the figure I neglected to update was myself.”
Joe Sacco Quotes
“When I was there, something clicked in my head; I found myself interviewing people, searching out facts and figures. Later on I became much more self-conscious of what I was doing.”
Joe Sacco Quotes
“It's a visual world and people respond to visuals.”
Joe Sacco Quotes
“When I went to Bosnia, I was there to tell someone else's story and I was more methodical.”
Joe Sacco Quotes
“And, in some ways I like traveling, in other ways I'm sort of fed up by the whole notion.”
Joe Sacco Quotes
“I don't often go to a place just to check out all the cultural sites of a city.”
“And I think I find, I know a lot of people around, in different cities, and so it's not - it might sound strange - but it's not that hard to say good-bye, because I know there's other people where I'm going. I can sort of fit in in a lot of places.”
“I don't like just traveling in for a short time. I've done that before, because sometimes you work for magazines and they have a budget, and if you're working for them, they want something by a certain time.”
Joe Sacco Quotes
“There's probably one more story about Bosnia that I'd like to do, because I spent a fair amount of time on the Serb side of the lines, which isn't apparent in the other books.”

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