John Sexton Quotes & Sayings

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33 most famous John Sexton quotes and sayings (educator). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

John Sexton Quotes
“There is a considerable amount of manipulation in the printmaking from the straight photograph to the finished print. If I do my job correctly that shouldn't be visible at all, it should be transparent.”
“When I teach and meet a class for the first time, you realize that there are people there that have exceptional abilities or have the potential to do exceptional things and you never know who those people are. My job is to provide the best information I can.”
John Sexton Quotes
“For me the printing process is part of the magic of photography. It's that magic that can be exciting, disappointing, rewarding and frustrating all in the same few moments in the darkroom.”
John Sexton Quotes
“We all start in this medium because of the magic and the challenge is to keep it going.”
“Having photographed the landscape for a number of years and specifically working with trees and in the forest I found, without consciously thinking about it, that it was a great learning experience for me in terms of organizing elements.”
John Sexton Quotes
“I make photographs and still make photographs of the natural environment. It's a love because that was part of my life before I was involved in photography.”
John Sexton Quotes
“The first day at the power plant I found myself photographing some steam vents on the roof of the structure. And I remember consciously thinking that they were just like trees but they were metal.”
John Sexton Quotes
“I support any procedure that allows photographers to express themselves, whether that involves color, black and white, platinum, palladium and digital technology.”
“I think the greatest photographers are the amateur photographers who do it because they love it. Arnold Newman is a good example; he is a consummate professional, but he's also an 'amateur' in the pure sense of the word.”
“I took a workshop from him a few months after that. That experience changed my whole approach to photography. At that workshop in Yosemite in 1973 I decided I wanted to try and see if I could pursue this for myself, and I'm still trying.”

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