John Shelton Reed Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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John Shelton Reed quotes and sayings page 2 (sociologist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 23 we have.

John Shelton Reed Quotes
“Southern barbecue is the closest thing we have in the U.S. to Europe's wines or cheeses; drive a hundred miles and the barbecue changes.”
“The South: What is this place? What's different about it? Is it different anymore? Good questions. Old ones, too. People have been asking them for decades. Some of us even make our living by asking them, but we still don't agree about the answers.”
“The South is like my favorite pair of blue jeans. It's shrunk some, faded a bit, got a few holes in it. it just might split at the seams. It doesn't look much like it used to, but it's more comfortable, and there's probably a lot of wear left in it.”
John Shelton Reed Quotes
“Country music historically has been sort of middle-aged people's music.”
John Shelton Reed Quotes
“If you care to define the South as a poor, rural region with lousy race relations, that South survives only in geographical shreds and patches and most Southerners don't live there any more.”
“You ask people what their ethnicity is, and a lot of Scots-Irish people either don't know or if they know it they just don't acknowledge it. It's not something they really identify with. They're just plain old Americans, plain vanilla. I don't think they are a self-conscious voting bloc.”
“I do believe states' rights was a sound doctrine that got hijacked by some unsavory customers for a while - like, 150 years or so. I'm professionally obliged to believe that knowledge is better than ignorance, but some kinds of forgetting are OK with me.”
John Shelton Reed Quotes
“As long as there are Japanese tourists, there will be a market for the Old South.”
John Shelton Reed Quotes
“Southerners are also like ethnic groups in that they have a sense of group identity.”
“I've occasionally wished I had Caller ID. Even telemarketers, I hate to hang up on them. I try to explain I'm not interested, but they have all these canned responses so I end up having to hang up on them anyway.”

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