Jon Fishman Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Jon Fishman quotes and sayings page 2 (musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 21 we have.

Jon Fishman Quotes
“I just wanted to say one more thing: I also think that when you go to play music, you're there to play music.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“Led Zeppelin was pretty much what made me pick up drum sticks.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“Phish has never had anything to do with any trends at all in America.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“The Grateful Dead were an influence on our music but they weren't by a long shot the biggest influence.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“But I do think that we approach music, in of itself, with a religious attitude.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“When I was seven or eight I was really into Cream, really into Led Zeppelin.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“You look at the fact that for millions of years species on earth have been developing and we've been knocking them off at like a hundred a day.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“I think that you really don't have a choice, when you see that things are wrong the only choice you really have is to just do what you can to make it better.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“People are trying to live freely outside of, or within a system that maybe for them on a day-to-day level isn't as free... I definitely think we're positively orientated.”
Jon Fishman Quotes
“We like where we live and we wanna participate in our neighbourhoods and communities and stuff and try to- we're not like benevolent- it's pretty basic.”

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