Jonathan Davis Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Jonathan Davis quotes and sayings page 3 (54 year old musician). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 45 we have for him.
“I'm a human being and every human being has problems.”
“It's really cool to see glowsticks at the show, to see dance music culture infiltrating and becoming one with the metal community.”
“I think there was a lot competition in the rock scene.”
“I'm a big rock star, I got a beautiful girl, and they still call me a fag. Its' like high school never ends - the jocks are always on top.”
“It started when I woke up, all I wanted to do is jump out of the window. I didn't want to eat anymore, because I was afraid that I might poison myself somehow.”
“I don't believe in organized religion - I dealt with them hand in hand, and a whole bunch of Catholic priests tried to molest me. Telling me I was gay and I should go home with them and stuff.”
“I like reading Ball Tongue lyrics and all that stuff. And they published a book, and I wouldn't give my lyrics, and it's all wrong in the book, and I giggle. It's funny.”
“I've been on Prozac for 12 years and I'm off it now. I know what it feels like to be excited and sad again. I haven't felt like this in 12 years; I'm like a giddy little kid.”
“I used to have 30 different species of tarantulas, as well as two Australian scorpions that are considered the deadliest in the world. If stung by one, a person would die in 30 minutes. But when I had kids I had to get rid of them, of course. Those were intense!”
“It seems like a lot of music today is so churned out and simple.”
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