Jonathan Lethem Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Jonathan Lethem quotes and sayings page 3 (61 year old writer). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 31 we have for him.

Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“I plan less and less. It's a great benefit of writing lots, that you get good at holding long narratives in your head like a virtual space.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“I work on a laptop specifically so I can work in cafes and pretend I'm part of the human world.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“It was good while it was good.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“It was only as I wrote about it that I began to find paths of access to feelings that were intolerable to me then.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“It's now expected of me that I will defy expectation, so I really generally seem to be free to write what I want.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“I just noticed recently that in one book after another I seem to find an excuse to find some character who, to put it idiotically simply, is allowed to talk crazy.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“I never take any notes or draw charts or make elaborate diagrams, but I hold an image of the shape of a book in my head and work from that mental hologram.”
“I'd excluded New York from my writing, and then I came back and I fell in love with it all over again. The energy comes from an absence, that yearning for New York when you are not there.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“I'd have been a filmmaker or a cartoonist or something else which extended from the visual arts into the making of narratives if I hadn't been able to shift into fiction.”
Jonathan Lethem Quotes
“My fiction has been influenced by the visual arts, though not in obvious ways, it seems to me. I don't offer tremendous amounts of visual information in my work.”

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