Judd Apatow Quotes & Sayings
30 most famous Judd Apatow quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 57 year old American director born on Dec 6, 1967.
“College is the reward for surviving high school. Most people have great fun stories from college and nightmare stories from high school.”
“All of my jokes were about not being able to meet anybody. I didn't have any insight into anything - even my own insecurities.”
“Eventually, the nerds and the geeks will have their day.”
“I love magazines and film critics, so I eat it up. I'm not one of those people who says 'I never read anything.' I generally read all of it.”
“The thing that is incredibly helpful is that we screen the movies and we ask the audience if they like it or not and we ask a lot of questions and do testing on the movies. For comedies, at least, it's very helpful. If they're not laughing and they don't say that they loved it, then I have screwed up.”
“Well, every movie is an experiment. And the only way you can grow at what you're doing is to take chances. You can't try to stick with what worked last time.”
“To me, I've never understood why there is any question about are women as funny as men.”
“I always felt as a kid that I was underappreciated, invisible or weird, but I've always secretly thought people would one day appreciate what is different about me. I'm always putting that message out there.”
“The moment you think of a joke is the best moment.”
“My way of dealing with the world has always been to make fun of it and observe it but not take part in it. That's how I became a writer. But when you have kids, suddenly you have to be part of things. It leads almost to a breakdown because your whole defense mechanism is now really destructive.”
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