Julian Casablancas Quotes & Sayings

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63 most famous Julian Casablancas quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 45 year old American musician born on Aug 23, 1978.

Julian Casablancas Quotes
“Greed is the inventor of injustice as well as the current enforcer.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“Vanity can easily overtake wisdom. It usually overtakes common sense.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“The best solutions are often simple, yet unexpected.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“I find it funny how people from Boston and New York hate each other because of pro teams. But, like, everyone on the Red Sox is a random millionaire athlete from somewhere else.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“I think a lot of people study the rules too much and then don't know how to be creative.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“I always reference 'Mad Max' when I think about what I want to wear. But it's a fine line between that and 'Edward Scissorhands'.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“Religion is never the problem; it's the people who use it to gain power.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“Who you are vs. who you wish you were: Who wins?”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“Desire is individual. Happiness is common.”
Julian Casablancas Quotes
“A band is a good way to break up a friendship.”

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