Jurgen Klinsmann Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Jurgen Klinsmann quotes and sayings page 2 (60 year old athlete). These are the last 8 out of 18 quotes we have for him.
“If the national coach lets decisions be made from outside, he's lost the team.”
“The young generation has a different curiosity that is more visual.”
“We want to start them thinking that they're responsible for their own career.”
“You have to work more than your adversary.”
“Once the World Cup preparations begin there will hardly be an opportunity to do so, since we'll have to put all our energy into the team. We coaches have a list of priorities and dealing with the media isn't in the top five.”
“The '54 World Cup was the first time the people got the recognition back after the second World War and felt like they are proud of something you know it brought people back together and you know now we can keep our heads up again.”
“As far as knowledge goes I've come a long way.”
“We coaches have to learn how to deal with that: How do I get to each one best - with a talk, with video analysis? And what sort of tone? We need our own coaches for that. The sports psychologist coaches me too.”
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