Justin Sane Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Justin Sane quotes and sayings page 2 (52 year old musician). These are the last 3 out of 13 quotes we have for him.

“The reality is that a consumer culture which chucks out its iPhones for a new version every nine months is completely unsustainable, because Earth has already reached the tipping point. 'The General Strike' attempts to personalize these issues and encourage listeners to look for a new model.”
Justin Sane Quotes
“If you don't write good music, people aren't going to listen to anything you say.”
Justin Sane Quotes
“With the NDAA, his failure to close Guantanamo Bay and the ramping use of drones, President Obama looks suspiciously like President Bush, a man on a quest for American Empire.”

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