Justin Zackham Quotes & Sayings

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7 most famous Justin Zackham quotes and sayings (director).

“One day, I got so disgusted that I sat down and wrote a list called 'Justin's list of things to do before he kicks the bucket.' I wrote it for myself and shortened it to 'Justin's Bucket List.' It was there on the wall, not as a story idea but as a motivational tool for myself, which actually ended up working pretty well.”
Justin Zackham Quotes
“I had always fantasized about going to the Pyramids, the Great Wall; I've always been sort of obsessed with the whole notion of Everest.”
Justin Zackham Quotes
“I was out in L.A. and I had gone to film school and I was out here for a couple of years. For a lot of years, I was bartending and having a good time.”
Justin Zackham Quotes
“For me, screenwriting is all about setting characters in motion and as a writer just chasing them. They should tell you what they'll do in any scene you put them in.”
Justin Zackham Quotes
“I get a million ideas a day and I don't put too much weight on any one of them. The ones that really stick in my head are the ones I end up doing.”
Justin Zackham Quotes
“We'll probably live 20 more years than our grandparents did. The question is, what are you going to do with those extra 20 years?”
Justin Zackham Quotes
“I made 'Going Greek', which was a very sort of crappy fraternity comedy that I did back in 2000.”

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