Kasturba Gandhi Height Weight Age Birthplace Nationality


Kasturba Gandhi full name
Kasturba Mohandas Gandhi
Kasturba Gandhi birthplace
Porbandar, Kathiawar Presidency, British India
Kasturba Gandhi date of birth
April 11, 1869
Kasturba Gandhi date of death
February 22, 1944
Kasturba Gandhi location of death
Aga Khan Palace, Poona, Bombay Province, British India
Kasturba Gandhi cause of death
Not available
Kasturba Gandhi zodiac
Kasturba Gandhi ethnicity / ethnic background
Not available
Kasturba Gandhi nationality
Kasturba Gandhi religion
Not available
Was Kasturba Gandhi gay?
Not available

2025 Body stats

Kasturba Gandhi weight
Not available
Kasturba Gandhi height
Not available


Kasturba Gandhi
http://www.mkgandhi-sarvodaya.org/gphotgallery/1869-1914/images/b.jpg [CC-INDEX.PHP?TITLE=TEMPLATE:PD-INDIA-LANG&ACTION=EDIT
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