Katie Couric Quotes & Sayings
26 most famous Katie Couric quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 68 year old American journalist born on Jan 7, 1957.
“You can't please everyone, and you can't make everyone like you.”
“I think sometimes people project things on you, but I'm trying to handle everything that's happened to me with a certain amount of grace, dignity and good manners. You just can't necessarily win all the time.”
“I feel like a human pinata. The disappointing thing is, no candy is going to spill out.”
“If I hear the word 'perky' again, I'll puke.”
“I've always tried to stay true to my authentic self.”
“I beg. I call. I badger. I cajole. Part of the secret is everyone has fun and that's really motivating.”
“I could announce one morning that the world was going to blow up in three hours and people would be calling in about my hair!”
“And I've always - the competition is one aspect of the job, but I think if you're too busy worrying about the competition, you don't focus enough on what you're doing.”
“At least for me personally, I've always tried to do a really good job every day, with each interview, and treat each interview seriously, and make the person I'm speaking with feel comfortable, hopefully make it an ideal experience.”
“That studies have shown that more people are getting up earlier, they're getting their news earlier. They're getting less sleep, getting up at earlier hours.”
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