Kelly Macdonald Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Kelly Macdonald quotes and sayings page 2 (49 year old actress). These are the last 4 out of 14 quotes we have for her.

Kelly Macdonald Quotes
“It was both comforting and terrifying to go in to audition for 'The Girl in the Cafe,' as I'd worked with everyone in the room on 'State Of Play.'”
Kelly Macdonald Quotes
“L.A. is brilliant, but however long my trip is I'm always ready to leave. But New York I'm never quite happy to see the back of.”
Kelly Macdonald Quotes
“What I'm normally associated with are darker, more brooding roles.”
“I don't lobby where work is concerned. As long as I know I've got something coming up, I don't really worry. It's not that I'm not ambitious, but I don't have a drive to be hugely successful and be working all the time.”

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