Ken Salazar Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Ken Salazar quotes and sayings page 3 (70 year old politician). These are the last 10 out of 30 quotes we have for him.

Ken Salazar Quotes
“Americans pay up to 1,000 percent more to fill their prescriptions than consumers in other countries - that is an alarming statistic.”
Ken Salazar Quotes
“I think Gov. Romney and Congressman Ryan are living in a fairly tale land on their energy policy.”
Ken Salazar Quotes
“In the West, you take people at their word.”
Ken Salazar Quotes
“Nothing in life and nothing that we do is risk-free.”
Ken Salazar Quotes
“I'm proud that Colorado delivered a victory to Barack Obama in 2008 and we will do so again in 2012.”
Ken Salazar Quotes
“I want all the interested parties to come together and develop a solution that provides additional water and helps the lower Arkansas River communities thrive again.”
“Frankly that's what makes such a big difference between President Obama on one hand and Mitt Romney on the other. Gov. Romney has not walked in those shoes of the ordinary Americans and frankly I don't think he has the capacity to quite understand the struggle that the 98 percent of Americans go through every single day.”
“In my time in the U.S. Senate, I tried to craft an energy policy... I will be part of President Obama's efforts to achieve energy independence and enhance the landscape. I am also part of his reform agenda.”
“People who are running for office mislead the American people by saying that there's a three-point plan or a bumper sticker kind of way of bringing down gasoline prices. The fact of the matter is that nobody can do that. The price of oil is set on the global economy. People who have looked at this closely and hard know that's the case.”
Ken Salazar Quotes
“Too often in Washington special interests urge us to fight one another just because we belong to different parties. It is time for this to stop and for Washington to focus on what needs to be done.”

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