Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes & Sayings

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32 most famous Keshia Knight Pulliam quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 45 year old American actress born on Apr 9, 1979.

Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“Everyone has their own different life experiences which make them who they are. No two people's life experiences are the same. And mine are just unique to me.”
“I don't know if there is a 'lack' of good black men. But when you haven't taken the time to get to know yourself, be OK with you, and articulate what it is you want in a relationship, then you can't possibly find that person for you because you don't even know what you're looking for.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“A fabulous pair of shoes? I have to have willpower.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“On my body, I use Kai body butter. It smells really nice and it's fresh and creamy. When it's really cold out, I go with some good ol' Nivea cream.”
“Girls will go out and spend $200 or $300 dollars on a pair of shoes, but you should also be taking care of your skin. That's the first thing people see. I think it's an investment. It's a lot cheaper to use really great products now, rather than trying to fix problematic skin later on in life. That's always been my motto.”
“My mom didn't believe in putting chemicals in hair. But when I got to college, we didn't have A/C in our dorms freshman year. So after several days of waking up looking like a Chia Pet, I was like 'OK, I'm gonna get a perm.' And then my hair revolted and fell out. I was over that quick, fast and in a hurry.”
“The funny thing is, people only know me for having straight hair for work, but I live in Atlanta where it's hot and humid in the summertime. So when I'm home, I wear my hair natural. My hair is naturally curly; I don't have a relaxer.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“I don't understand anorexia; I'm too greedy to ever not eat... I just can't do it.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“I love watching the National Geographic channel. That show 'Taboo'? I love it!”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“I've never gone to culinary school, but I do love cooking.”

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