Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Keshia Knight Pulliam quotes and sayings page 2 (45 year old actress). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 32 we have for her.

“Honestly, I just try to live right, get enough sleep, and drink a lot of water. I do drink a lot of water; I do live by that. And just eating good clean food... I do love all of it. But I do definitely try to eat better organic food.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“I'd rather laugh - not fuss and fight. You can articulate your point without arguing. When you're arguing constantly, you just need to say, 'You're real cool, but you're not for me.'”
“'Paper Planes' by M.I.A. is very catchy. I like that, but I listen to everything from rap to Lenny Kravitz to Coldplay, depending on my mood. And my favorite song of all time is 'Always and Forever' by Heatwave.”
“Once you know the fundamentals of cooking, then you don't need to follow a recipe - you just know what herbs go well or what meats, or what combination of what goes together, and then you can just branch out from there. But if there's something specific that I want to make, I work on the recipe and tweak it to my own.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“No matter what your hair looks like once it's wet, it's about embracing it and loving yourself for you and all that that entails.”
“I think Mr. Cosby has always been very much an activist and a big proponent of African-American pride. That's how 'The Cosby Show' came about. I think in his older years, he has gotten a lot more direct and vocal about it. But I think he only wants the best for all of us.”
“I definitely try to live my life in a very fearless manner, but there are no other sports that you jump from a three-story building and land on your hands! Diving is a lot like life. You just have to trust in what you know and allow it to happen.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“I would love to be remembered as a wonderfully dynamic and multitalented actress who left a legacy through her work and through her life of helping people and of being a positive force in the world.”
“To me, it's about good work, a good story, and tastefully done. There's so many stigmas - oh, you're on the small screen or you do films or you do reality. It's about the project and not the medium on which it's delivered. It's the story you tell, period.”
Keshia Knight Pulliam Quotes
“I would definitely be interested in doing a cooking show or something related to cooking, and I think probably most immediately, I would do a cookbook.”

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