Kimberly Elise Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Kimberly Elise quotes and sayings page 3 (57 year old actress). These are the last 7 out of 27 quotes we have for her.

Kimberly Elise Quotes
“I don't have to be glamorous all the time.”
Kimberly Elise Quotes
“I like movies that resonate, that give voice to the voiceless.”
Kimberly Elise Quotes
“If Judd Apatow called me, I'd do it without thinking about it. I think he does really fun movies.”
“Believe it or not, I loved my Jheri curl and thought it was beautiful on me. It actually made my hair grow like crazy. What they didn't tell you back then was that once you get the Jheri curl, there's no way of getting rid of it, so when I was over it, I ended up having to cut off all my hair and start all over again.”
“I decided to start embracing and wearing my natural hair, but there was only one problem; I didn't know what to do with it or how to style it. Growing up, all I knew was my relaxed, processed hair, so I had to go through this learning phase.”
Kimberly Elise Quotes
“I'm definitely in a place where I'm looking for different than what I've done in the past, just so I can go to work and do something I haven't done before.”
“It's funny because I never studied, I never took a class. So everything I do is very innate and organic; I don't really have words for it. It is a communion with spirit. I don't get in my own way and allow the character to do what it's going to do.”

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