Landon Donovan Quotes & Sayings (Page 5)

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Landon Donovan quotes and sayings page 5 (43 year old athlete). These are the last 4 out of 44 quotes we have for him.

“The advantage doesn't come because you can run more than someone over 90 minutes. The advantage comes when, in the tenth minute, I'm sprinting back and making another guy chase me. By the end of the game, that guy's worn down, but I can still keep going at the same pace.”
Landon Donovan Quotes
“There have been weeks when I've not been hydrating properly or not eating properly or training too hard. When I do that, I don't feel good. It has to be the exact formula.”
Landon Donovan Quotes
“Unfortunately, I think there's not enough education about hydration. When I was young, we knew nothing about it. We all know that there's cases of athletes having serious issues because of dehydration and even dying.”
“When you're with your club team, every week you have a performance to judge. But when you're with the national team, it's a little different because you might not play for three or four months at a time. Things change constantly.”

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