Lee Strobel Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Lee Strobel quotes and sayings page 2 (author). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 21 we have.

Lee Strobel Quotes
“There are Eastern religions that deny the reality of pain and suffering. They just try to wipe it away by saying it's all an illusion.”
“Christians can have doubts and they can have questions, and the unhealthy way to deal with that is to keep them inside where they fester and grow and can undermine our faith. The healthy way to deal with it is to talk about it and be honest about it.”
Lee Strobel Quotes
“Virtually every scientist now concedes that universe and time itself had beginning. So, whatever begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist. Therefore, the universe must have had a cause.”
Lee Strobel Quotes
“I am primarily a writer of books, and I enjoy that. But I come to realize that a lot of people prefer a visual medium.”
Lee Strobel Quotes
“I certainly believe that God did create the world, yeah, absolutely I believe that.”
Lee Strobel Quotes
“Intelligent design is consistent with any faith system I can think of, because most faith systems believe that there is a creator.”
Lee Strobel Quotes
“The Internet has helped atheists and agnostics coalesce as never before.”
Lee Strobel Quotes
“It is very difficult to give a 15 second sound bite on why there is pain and suffering in this world and not have it come off as being flippant or surface level or superficial.”
“I have a good Muslim friend who comes over to my house. Good guy; reads the Qur'an in Arabic. He comes over to my house and we talk about faith and we talk about things we have in common, but I can't shy away from the differences that we have. So I talk about why I'm not a Muslim and about the evidence that exists that show Christianity is true.”
Lee Strobel Quotes
“Apologetics has an important place in the local church as we seek to influence our communities for Christ in an increasingly skeptical culture.”

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