LeRoy Neiman Quotes & Sayings

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35 most famous LeRoy Neiman quotes and sayings (artist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

“I had a go at changing history - maybe not all by myself - I fought at the battle of Normandy, I slogged through the Ardennes, and I celebrated the liberation of Paris on the streets with beautiful French girls throwing flowers at me. I said good-bye to my first true love and discovered what I really wanted to do with my life.”
LeRoy Neiman Quotes
“The businessman says 'If I don't do it first, somebody else will.' The artist says 'If I don't do it first, nobody else will.'”
LeRoy Neiman Quotes
“Eating is one of the great beauties in life. One of my favorite recreations... eating with friends, the service, the ambience.”
“It's not the act of arrogance to draw, it's humbling - you must use your God-given talent. And of all the people I sketch, in most cases I feel I have to measure up to the subject.”
LeRoy Neiman Quotes
“But 'Playboy' was liberating. I was drawn to it and went for it full throttle.”
LeRoy Neiman Quotes
“I always stayed in tune with my own ambitions and attitudes and I'm still my intractable old self, for better or worse.”
“The most important thing is to just do it. If I work at a higher level I have responsibility to do better than what I've done before. Sometimes the best happens - beyond possibility. Just do it. Can't worry about it.”
LeRoy Neiman Quotes
“'Playboy' made the good life a reality for me and made it the subject matter of my paintings - not affluence and luxury as such, but joie de vivre itself.”
“When I paint, I seriously consider the public presence of a person - the surface facade. I am less concerned with how people look when they wake up or how they act at home. A person's public presence reflects his own efforts at image development.”
LeRoy Neiman Quotes
“It's a nice feeling to go out in the world and look for excellence - the best in man. My subject is very valid. It's about people, and about life.”

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